Own products you love, faster.

LayByFaster Established 2017.

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Set and Forget

Choose from our range of products and add them into your LayBy bundle, then set your Direct Debit up. Then sit back and wait for your products!

Established 2017, Helping Thousands of Australian's

LayByFaster was started to provide Australian’s with access to the best range of products, along with easy weekly repayment options. Established in 2017 and successfully helped thousands of Aussies.

We Keep It Simple

Easy Weekly Repayments to suit your budget, ranging from 4 weeks to 26 weeks. Choose, set and forget then wait for your products to be delivered!

24/7 Support

24/7 Live Support with our friendly Australian based team, that can help you with any questions and updates on your products.


Starts from $7 a week